Consultation Room Rentals

Consultation Room Rentals

For eligible services, the clinic may allow consultation room rentals. Whether you are a specialist, therapist, or a consultant, renting a consultation room offers numerous benefits that can significantly enhance your practice. One of the primary advantages of consultation room rentals is the ability to manage costs effectively. Instead of investing in long-term leases or purchasing property, you can rent space from us. This flexibility allows for better financial management, especially for those who are just starting their practice or who work part-time.


You will have an immediate access to a professional environment that is already equipped with essential amenities. This includes reception services, waiting areas, telephone services etc. These facilities will help you in creating a positive and professional experience for patients, which can enhance patient satisfaction. 


As your patient base grows, you can easily rent additional rooms or upgrade to larger spaces without the hassle of relocating your entire practice. This scalability ensures that your practice can adapt to changing needs without incurring substantial costs or disruptions.

  • A small room (Room Number 3) is available for rental.
  • A number of rooms of standard sizes are available.
  • Operation theater with an operating table are available along with dirty utility and clean utility premises and autoclave. Rental will be considered as:
  • AM session 8:00 to 12:00 (4 hours’ session) - Mon- Fri
  • PM session 12:00 to 16:00 (4 hours’ session) Mon- Fri
  • Evening session 16:00 to 19:00 PM (three hours’ session) on Monday- Fri
  • On Saturday, AM session is 10:00 to 13:00 (3 Hours’ session) and PM session is 13:00 to 16:00 (3 Hours’ session).
Consultation Room for Rochdale